After our brief hiatus last week to allow for community events to settle down we are now back with the weekly Nix recap!

@fricklerhandwerk posted a notice for an important Nix security fix. This fix resolves CVE-2024-38531 which is a sandbox escape vulnerability in Nix. All Nix users should update immediately to avoid security risks. All Nix versions from 2.18 through 2.23 have received a patch for this vulnerability.

@shivaraj-bh announced github-nix-ci, a project which provides NixOS and nix-darwin modules for self-hosting GitHub runners. This is an excellent addition to every hobbyist’s toolkit to allow for taking advantage of GitHub Actions while avoiding free-tier monthly limits. To get started with the project, check out the GitHub repository.

@7c6f434c let the community know that RFC 0146, Meta.Categories, is in its Final Comment Period. This feature has been in the works for over a year and is sorely needed to help expand Nixpkgs’ metadata and discoverability. Once merged, packages in Nixpkgs will now be able to specify useful categories in their meta properties similar to desktop items. To read the full proposal, see the issue on GitHub.

@drmikecrowe has created Xonsh xontribs, a collection of packages for the Python-powered Xonsh shell. For Xonsh users or people interested in giving it a try, you can find the package set on GitHub.

@JulienMalka announced general availability for Proxmox-NixOS! This project brings the Proxmox Hypervisor to NixOS, enabling a new host of virtualization options for the platform and ecosystem. If you are currently operating virtual machines or run a home lab, it is worth giving this project a try. The project is available on GitHub.

@Mic92 posted an article on Declarative Backups and Restore using the Clan project. A fully formed backup solution this easy to use is certainly worth a look!

Security fixes this week:

New packages added this week:

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